Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe (2024)

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Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe //I was recently invited to a cooking club here in Lincoln and it gave me the perfect opportunity to try out a recipe that I saw not too long ago on the Food Network… Raspberry Chili Chutney.

I have to admit, I am a totally Food Network foodie. I love to have the various shows on in the background when I'm working or getting ready for they day. I don't often have a chance to cook some of the recipes, but I feel like I learn so much just from listening to all the different chefs talk about their special recipes and techniques. The other day I had the show Mexican Made Easy on in the background and a recipe caught my attention. It's a recipe that's perfect for a co*cktail party or a tasty hors d'oeuvre for a dinner party. The Goat Cheese Squares with Raspberry Chili Chutney recipe lookedjust divine, so I thought I would give it a go. Before you can make the tasty little bite you have to make the chutney first and that's what this post is about.

Ahhhhh the chutney, it's so amazing… I actually made another batch after my first go to keep in the fridge to use as a condiment for other meals. Yea, it's that good. Here is my version of the recipe. It has been inspired by Marcela's recipe, but with a few little tweaks for my taste.

Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 medium chopped onion
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup low-salt beefbroth
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 tablespoon ginger paste or fresh peeled and minced ginger
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 canned chipotle chile in adobo sauce, left whole
  • 1 teaspoon adobo sauce from the chipoltle pepper can
  • 1 cup frozen rasberries
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


  • Add oil to large sauce pot and heat on med-high heat. Add chopped onions and cook for 5 minutes or until the onions become translucent. Add garlic and cook for another minute. Add broth, bell pepper, honey, ginger, vinegar and chipotle pepper with adobe sauce. You can leave the chipolte chili whole,It will break down durning the cooking process. Add salt & pepper to taste.Simmer on mediumlow until the sauce thickens, this can take up to 2 – 2 1/2 hours. Keep an eye on the sauce and stir occasionaly. Once the sauce has thickened and the chili pepper has broken down, add the raspberries and cook for another 15-20 minutes.Let the chutney cool and then store in an air tight container in the fridge. It should keep for up to a month in the fridge.
  • I'm actually thinking about making this my holiday gift this next Christmas. It tastes lovely with chicken, on crackers and I'm sure given a little more time, I will come up with a few more uses for it.It also looks amazing in a jar…I should work on some packaging for it and have it ready for the next holiday season… yep, it's that good! Tomorrow I'm going to post the recipe for my version of the Goat Cheese Puff with the Raspberry Chili Chutney, so stay tuned!


Reader Interactions


  1. Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe (3)Rachel says

    Oh my goodness, this looks heavenly. And I used to be a Food Network foodie. We don't have TV anymore (which I actually love), but I still sneak an episode or two on Hulu 🙂


    • Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe (5)Heather says

      Oh, that does sound fun! Thanks for sharing!!

      kisses // heather


  2. Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe (7)Meredith says

    This looks delicious! How much does this yeild, in regards to the goat cheese puff recipe…one jar per puff batch? What size jar will one batch of the chutney need? I cant wait to make this!


  3. Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe (8)Susan says

    This looks great. Can you help with a substitute for the beef broth? I come from a vegetarian haven.


  4. Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe (9)Cyn says

    Can this raspberry chili chutney be canned to preserve it? I’d like to make a large batch and preserve it to give as gifts at Christmas without the worry it must be refrigerated and lasts only 1 month.


  5. Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe (10)Heather says

    Cyn- I don’t see why not. Just make sure you follow normal canning guidelines.


  6. Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe (11)Cynthia says

    Thank you Heather! I’ll try it and post how it turned out.


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Raspberry Chili Chutney Recipe (2024)


How do you make chutney less spicy? ›

Then I got an idea to add Jaggery to the chutney. My friend Prathiba from Bangalore told me to substitute Jalapeno peppers for half of the green chilly. I didn't have any Jalapeno pepper so I used a big green bell pepper to reduce the spice of chilly. The result is the following "Less spicy green chilly chutney".

How do you know when chutney is thick enough? ›

Check That The Chutney Is Ready For Potting

If the chutney immediately fills the channel it is not the correct consistency yet, but if the channel is still visible after 2 seconds then the right consistency has been reached.

What if my homemade chutney is too runny? ›

If your chutney is too runny or your recipe calls for a thickening agent, always use cornflour mixed with a little of the vinegar. Cornflour is gluten free. Always to this at the very end because thickening your chutney like this will make catch and burn easily.

Why is my homemade chutney not thickening? ›

If the chutney seems too runny, cook it for another 5-10 minutes and test again. You may also like to give the chutney the odd stir as you cook it, to prevent the mixture at the edges of the pan from catching.

Why does my chutney taste bitter? ›

Adjust the Herbs and Spices: Bitterness in chutney can sometimes be caused by an excessive amount of certain herbs or spices. Consider reducing the quantity of bitter ingredients such as fenugreek leaves (methi), mustard seeds, or certain greens like spinach.

How do you thicken chutney with cornstarch? ›

In small cup or bowl, dissolve cornstarch in cold water. Stir into chutney until mixture begins to thicken and becomes clear. Microwave 4 to 6 more minutes, until chutney is thickened and clear and no starchy taste remains.

How long does it take to thicken chutney? ›

According to the recipe you cook the chutney for 30 - 40 mins until it starts to thicken.

Can you thicken red sauce? ›

Add Tomato Paste

Stirring in thick, dense tomato paste is a tried-and-true way to add body to a marinara or tomato sauce. Tomato paste is concentrated tomato, sometimes with small amounts of other ingredients like salt or stabilizers, and its texture is so stiff that a spoon will stand up in it.

How do you thicken runny tomato relish? ›

Bring to boil and let the relish boil with the lid off for up to an hour (until thick). You can thicken the relish with 3 tablespoons of cornflour and a little vinegar if needed. After simmering and thickening, pour the relish into hot sterilized jars and seal.

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